Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why Tell Lies???

Everyone has participated in some form of lying. Either it be fake compliments (i.e. "You look cute today"), pretending to enjoy someone's company (i.e. "It was nice seeing you today"), pretending to be something that you're not, or saying you like something just to fit in (i.e. "Yeah, I like Twilight too"). Why not just tell the truth?
Maybe some people think that being truthful will come off as being mean or they're just scared of telling the truth. I think people fail to realize is there's a BIG difference between being honest and being hurtful. If someone ASKS for your opinion, then be honest but yet soft-spoken. Stating the truth can sometime be difficult but it can also be freeing. If you disagree of something then try to find a positive thing about it. Everyone always gets caught up in those "little white lies" (which are NEVER little) but if they're so little, then why do you have to lie about them?? I believe that no lie is small. Sometimes you might not think its a big deal but it can be hurtful to someone else. The things about lies are they might start out "small" but EVENTUALLY they turn into a BIG pile of them. After you tell a lie, you have to keep building and building on that lie. In my opinion, I would much rather have someone who will be honest with me. I have a lot more respect and trust for someone who can be straight honest with me and I value their opinion more too. So, in closing, be honest but also THINK before you speak. Speak truthful soft-spoken words. Just like the old saying says " If you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all".
Honesty is the BEST policy :)

~Taylor Nicole~

Friday, December 17, 2010

Watch What You Watch!

I have noticed that a lot of parents don't really pay attention to what their children watch. TV shows today have a lot of sexual language and content. Many parents just see cartoons and sit their child in front of the TV but what they don't know is that many animated cartoon shows have inappropriate adult language and explicit language. Shows such as Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, Futurama, and Boondocks. All of these shows are animated cartoons that are EXTREMELY unsuitable for children. These shows are not only on the basic channels (ABC, Fox, CW, NBC) but on (what are suppose to be) children networks such as Cartoon Network. All those shows I listed are played on a segment on Cartoon Network called Adult Swim. Adult Swim comes on at 10 pm everyday on Cartoon Network. There are even more shows then what I listed on this program. Not all kids go to bed at 10 pm and what are they watching if they are up? "Cartoons." I truly believe that if you're going to play those shows then create your on channel for that but putting it on a "child biased" channel. Really? (not cool AT ALL)
Because I'm a teenager, I don't believe that its THAT inappropriate for us. Teenagers hear A LOT of explicit language on a DAILY basis (school, peers, family, etc) so these shows don't really affect us as much. But children (12 and lower) should not be watching these shows. They shouldn't even know what their explicit jokes they say in the show mean at that age. When you are young, you might hear things that you don't understand and it can make you become curious. That curiosity can lead to finding out what those "little" jokes mean. Children not only hear this vulgar language but are also getting a visual of certain things they shouldn't see. Then parents wonder where their child is getting this language or attitude from. Hmmmm maybe it's what their watching or what is being said around them. Children at a young age are like sponges. Whatever they see, hear and are exposed to they will start to apply. So, be careful what YOU, your children, cousins, and whoever else you know are exposed to. Because if you don't, that will EVENTUALLY be the outcome of  them.

This post is for everyone!!!!!!
~Taylor Nicole~

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Self Image

Why do girls let the world determine their self-image?? Girls have always looked at models, celebrities, and all women in the spotlight as an example of what women should look or act like. Women look at magazines, music videos, and gossip sites and believe that this is what they should look and be like. Is this why a majority of women buy expensive designer clothes, wear make-up, get plastic surgery, or marry rich? Is it to feel good about themselves or to compete with the next person? Or maybe impress their friends, coworkers, peers, or people in general? I believe that the root to these issues are low self-esteem and self-image.
If all women loved themselves regardless of what others thought, I believe there would be unity and love between women. There has always been that girl that just gives those " I think I'm better than you" looks. Why as girls/women can't we compliment each other or say something nice? Why does it always have to be hate? Why can't we uplift each other instead of breaking each other down?
Guys are totally different. Guys can compliment each other and become friends like it's nothing. Women shouldn't be intimidated by other women and by what they wear, drive,  financial income or social status.
How about if you see another woman on her "game", just say "girl you look good" or "you look cute today".  Some women get hated on because other women see them looking nice and they judge them before speaking to them. This "self-image problem" has been going on since before I was born and has gotten worse over the years. Where did this "character defect" come from? Why does it exist in most women today? Is is because we where raised this way? Personally, I have experienced this " character defect". I'm sure every girl/woman has taken part in this issue whether it be in a big or small way. In the future, I hope to have two girls and I pray that they DON'T EVER have this "character defect."  To ALL women/girls no matter your social status, financial income, ethnicity, culture, religion,fashion chooses, and ages please uplift one another and don't let anyone determine how YOU feel about yourself. YOU determine YOUR destiny. Live for YOU. Be FEARLESS. Be YOU.

PS. I know I wrote a previous post about self-esteem but this topic is a HUGE issue in today's society.....especially with women....so I WILL continue to stress this topic. :)


~Taylor Nicole~

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Movie Review.....Julie and Julia

Julie and Julia is a phenomenal movie because it gives a sense of inspiration and freshness. This movie is definitely for those into Culinary Arts. Even though, those who are not will enjoy this witty movie. Julie and Julia shows the journey of Julia while learning different recipes and exploring the many European countries. Julie, on the other hand, thinks she is just reading and cooking from Julia Child's book but really, like Julia, going on a journey herself. Although, a warning must be given; viewer's MUST eat before watching this movie. The mouth-watering dishes that are being made make viewers want to crawl through the television screen. Julie and Julia motivate and inspire people to try new things and also get in the kitchen. Even though Julie went through emotional roller-coasters, she let those emotions out by cooking. Julia, a cooking legend, was a very happy and passionate woman. Viewers will enjoy this movie because of the love and passion that both ladies have conveyed in the movie. Julie and Julia get two thumbs up and 5 stars. The movie was thoroughly flawless!

~Taylor Nicole~

Friday, December 3, 2010

To Tell and What Not to Tell...That is the Question

     On Yahoo!, there was an article about what teenagers tell and don't tell their parents. Being a teenager, I can definitely relate to this article. Somethings I don't tell my parents because I already know what their answer will be.  Parents sometimes forget how they felt when they were teenagers. Us teenagers are sometimes more reluctant to share our personal issues or "high school" issues with our parents because they tend to blow them off like just because we're younger our issues aren't important. Or, sometimes we won't tell our parents things because they will nag and give us a loooong lecture. For example, my parents never really know when me or my brother are in a relationship because we know we're going to get the "3rd degree" about them. We might date someone for a year and then EVENTUALLY tell them. I'm personally more of a private person.
     I don't really tell my parents issues unless they're serious. Sometimes as parents it's just good to just listen and wait for us (teenagers) to ask you for feedback. However, I don't advise teenagers to "mask" their issues or problems (which we tend to do). Sometimes it is good to vent to our parents (I mean they were where we are now). Teenagers think that parents just don't understand (sometimes they REALLY don't) but there are times where they do and can actually help.  Parents fail to realize that teenagers are under A LOT of stress sometimes. If you think about it, we have to balance school, jobs, hormones, maybe chores, relationships, and just being a teenager. And some teenagers have A LOT more responsibilities than that. A  LOT goes on in teenager's heads; we're trying to figure things out (let alone or selves out) all WHILE balancing out the other things. Parents, we (teenagers)  know that ,as we get older, more things will be added on to that list but for now we just want to focus on high-school. When parents talk to us, they talk about the "real world" (we don't want to hear that). We want you to put yourself to where we are NOW!  Parents can sometimes overwhelm us by the "yeah, you see this water bill" and "oh, look at this electric bill". Parents need to act more like a teenager sometimes (yeah I said it). So, to parents listen before you speak and think more like a teenager with us (put yourself in our wold). And...to my fellow teenagers do what you have to do and FOCUS on what you NEED TO DO to complete your goals (even if that means NO boyfriend/girlfriends).
To everyone DO BETTER at whatever it is that you are suppose to be doing. Set a good example for others.

~Taylor Nicole~

P.S. I wasn't aware I sounded like Dr. Phil while typing this. Lol

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey Day

 Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love seeing the warm fall colored leaves while taking in the fresh cold winter air. When I think of Thanksgiving, the first thing that comes to mind is my family....and FOOD of course. Being that cooking is a BIG apart of Thanksgiving, I cook A LOT. Most of my family would go to my Grandmother's house for dinner. This beautiful, strong, and loving woman (my grandma) would have a house full of food and ALL types of deserts. There would be activities for the grandchildren and good conversation for the adults.The guys would watch whatever football game that crossed the TV. My grandmother cooked everything from scratch. Throughout the day, TONS of people would stop by and eat,talk, and laugh and somehow there was always enough food. I live for family moments like that. Seeing my family (even the irritating ones) brings this warm feeling inside me. You can lose your money, career, and all the material things but the three F's with always be there. FAMILY FRIENDS AND FOOD!!!!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!
~Taylor Nicole~

Monday, November 22, 2010

Love Yourself

 Last week  in my Creative Writing class, a student at OEC (Oakland Early College) did a presentation to our class. Isiah Ingram talked to us about self-esteem. Our class was asked and had to answer several Yes or No questions. This presentation was a very eye opening experience for our whole class. My classmates and I were definitely shocked by the answers. The very people that you thought you had NOTHING in common with had some of the same answers as you. I honestly think that the presentation that was given should be given in all classes and schools. By hearing others struggles made me feel like I wasn't the only one who felt that way. Because this topic is a personal and sensitive one, I didn't think that my classmates would be so open and honest with their answers. "I wasn't expecting to pour out my soul" was an answer I got  after asking how one of my classmates  felt about the presentation. All of my classmates agreed that hurtful words can damage a person, no matter who is saying them. Loved ones can say things and don't even realize the damage words can do. No matter where you go words stick with you. I learned not to judge others because you never know what they could be going through. Speak positive words into the world; not negative. Low self-esteem isn't just with teenagers or girls. I have witnessed GROWN women and men with lower self-esteem than some teenagers. Low self-esteem is one of the core reasons why bullies become bullies. Some people talk down to others to boost their own self-esteem. But what they will find out is that it is hardly the answer. The key is to love EVERYONE and most importantly to love YOURSELF. DESPITE what others may say about you or to you. If you have SELF love nothing and no one else opinion will EVER  matter!!!!

This post is  for EVERYONE!!!!......LOVE YOURSELF!!!!!!

~Taylor Nicole~

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sweets Be Gone?

    Remember when it was your birthday at school and you might bring some sort of desserts to pass out to your classmates? Well, recently in some Michigan schools, there have been some changes. You are no longer allowed to pass out those sweet treats because food can't be apart of school celebrations. Instead of snacking on your favorite sweets, you and your classmates might have more gym time or another activity. I understand that schools are trying to be more healthy and active with the students but what is one cupcake going to do? What about what the schools are feeding them for lunch?
   I think the schools should start with the lunch menu first. Children might gain a 1 pound from eating a cupcake but go to lunch and eat some more sweets or a couple slices of pizza.   What about the nutritional contents there?!  The child could eat  carrots and celery then go home and eat chips and pop-tarts. So, the schools still wouldn't accomplish their goal. I say start in the school cafeteria and then talk to the parents and make them aware of what they are feeding their children. How about  just limit the amount of sweets each child can have?  Even though gym was my favorite in school, I also loved when my birthday was on a weekday. Classroom birthday parties were the best!  I could pass out snacks and socialize with my friends.
To my readers, do you think this a good idea or should they let children be children?

~Taylor Nicole~

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


   Since I've been in my Creative Writing class, I have grown as a writer.  With the necessity of daily writing, my literary skills have increased. Even though I have always thought of myself as good writer, there is always room for improvement. Furthermore, as a writer or even as a person, there is always room to grow and learn. Creative Writing has been my favorite subject for a long time. With prose, you can express yourself and not be restricted to just one topic. Mrs. Lashbrook, my teacher, has taught me to be more fun and creative with writing. Creative Writing is suppose to be exactly how it's said "creative writing." I'm learning how to have fun expressing myself with my writing.
Also, I'm learning how to talk to my readers and interact with them. Ask them questions and get them excited to read my posts. If your writing an informative paper, make it informational but not boring. Have fun with writing. I enjoy learning new ways to write. I hope to continue building my writing skills and keep my readers interested.
~Taylor Nicole~

Monday, November 8, 2010

Why Violence?

In this world today, we tend to deal with things with violence.  I don't even watch the local news anymore because it's just politics and violence.  Violence should never be an option (unless you are defending yourself). I don't see how people can easily take someone's life. I could not even sleep at night if I took someone's life. People don't realize what they are doing to someone's life. They could have been the only provider for their family. I have seen myself what the death of a son, father, and friend has done to a family or person. The different emotions that they went through. Death is a hard and terrible thing to deal with.  I do believe that if you break the rules then you should be punished. But some punishments are even worse then the crime committed. People go to jail for the smallest things nowadays. I think criminals should be punished but there should be another alternative for them instead of jail. For example, if a teenager spray paints a wall, instead of sending them to jail; send them to an Art program or something like that.
In addition, I strongly believe community service is an awesome alternative for prison. The legal system is so caught up in their prison rates that they don't think  about what they are doing to society or that persons life. My mother has always called me a "peace maker" because I hated confrontation and fighting. Am I the only person who feels this way about today's society or is this just my "peace maker" ways?  Before fighting or hurting someone, talk about it.   Teachers, counselors, principals, and parents are all  there for you. Violence is never the answer.

~Taylor Nicole~

Thursday, November 4, 2010

"The Good Ole' Days"

  If you were born around 1995 then you SHOULD know what I'm reminiscing about. Have you guys ever worn those one- body  pajamas  with your feet in them. I remember wearing those pajamas with ponytails in my head waking up early to watch cartoons.  Oh, the times when there were no worries (besides trying to stomach those green vegetables on our dinner plates and maybe the occasional butt whooping). I remember how happy I was when my birthday came; not just because of gifts but I was one year older.
Now I wish is was younger. I find myself now, being a teenager, hanging out with friends and reminiscing with them about what we call "the good ole' days."  We talk about our favorite cartoon, TV shows, and funny childhood stories. When we think about the "good ole' days," we are amazed at how the times have changed. We have changed, are responsibilities have changed, and how are thinking has changed. Some my favorite shows were: Hey Arnold, Recess, Keneen and Kell, All That, The Amanda Show, Jimmy Neutron, Rugrats, Banana in Pajamas, Tom and Jerry, Power Puff Girls, Johnny Bravo, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Rocket Power just to name a few.
Comment and tell me what your favorite childhood memories were?!!!

~Taylor Nicole~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


  When I look back over the years, I see people losing their morals more and more everyday. What happened to respect, love, self-respect and mannerism?! Manners are lacking in today's society. Some of the things that goes on today our parents are appalled by. Hard work and knowledge is now being traded for good looks or beauty. In our parents day, youth valued education and hard work more then we do now. Even with guys nowadays, most don't open doors for women, respect women, or let alone treat them with any respect. I hate to see guys being disrespectful, lazy and irresponsible. They are just not as respectful as the guys back in our parents time. I'm not just trying to come down on the guys because the girls these days aren't any better. I believe some girls these days have NO respect for themselves AT ALL. Most are either what I call "Mean Girls" or "Fast." Because of their lack of self esteem, girls let guys take advantage of them. I really wish my generation would bring back some of the great qualities as our parents' days. Where did we go wrong in our society that our morals are disappearing?

Comment and share your opinion please!!

~Taylor Nicole~

Monday, November 1, 2010

"America's Top Restaurants"

   Twenty Detroit-area restaurants have been named among "America's Top Restaurants" in the 2011 edition of the influential national Zagat guide. This guide,which rates 1,552 restaurants in 45 major cities, is in stores now. The rankings represent the opinions of ordinary diners who register on Zagat.com to comment about the food, decor, service and cost of restaurants selected by editors of Zagat, one of the best known but most mispronounced names in the world of restaurant ratings — zuh-GAT (rhymes with cat) is the way it's pronounced. As a person who loves cooking and a Detroit native, I think this a great oppertunity because to brings cooking and positive attention to Detroit. Also, this is a great chance for inspiring chefs ,like myself,to explore the twenty restaurants that made the list. I don't know about you but I will definitely be checking out some of these restaurants!! Here are the Detroit restaurants that made the list :
Zagat's Detroit top food rankings
The Lark:  6430 Farmington Road, West Bloomfield Township. (248) 661-4466. www.thelark.com  
Bacco Ristorante:  29410 Northwestern Highway, Southfield. (248) 356-6600. www.baccoristorante.com  
Common Grill:  112 S. Main St., Chelsea. (734) 475-0470. www.commongrill.com
Zingerman's Delicatessen:  422 Detroit St., Ann Arbor. (734) 663-3354. www.zingermansdeli.com
Cafe Cortina:  30715 W. 10 Mile, Farmington Hills. (248) 474-3033. www.cafecortina.com
Beverly Hills Grill:  31471 Southfield Road, Beverly Hills. (248) 642-2355. www.beverlyhillsgrill.com
Saltwater:  1777 Third St., Detroit. (313) 465-1646. www.mgmgranddetroit.com
West End Grill:   120 W. LibertySt., Ann Arbor. (734) 747-6260. www.westendgrillannarbor.com  
Streetside Seafood:  273 Pierce St., Birmingham. (248) 645-9123. www.streetsideseafood.com
Logan:  115 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. (734) 327-2313. www.logan-restaurant.com
Other noteworthy places-
Assaggi Bistro:  330 W. Nine Mile, Ferndale. (248) 584-3499. www.assaggibistro.com
Atlas Global Bistro:  3111 Woodward Ave., Detroit. (313) 831-2241. www.atlasglobalbistro.com
Capital Grille:  2800 W. Big Beaver Road, Troy. (248) 649-5200. www.thecapitalgrille.com
The Earle:  121 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. (734) 994-0211. www.theearle.com
Eve:  1415 N. Fifth Ave., Ann Arbor. (734) 222-0711. www.evetherestaurant.com
Hong Hua:  27925 Orchard Lake Road, Farmington Hills. (248) 489-2280. www.honghuafinedining.com
Rattlesnake Club:  300 River Place, Detroit. (313) 567-4400. www.rattlesnakeclub.com
Roast:  1128 Washington Blvd., Detroit. (313) 961-2500. www.roastdetroit.com Rugby Grill,100 Townsend St., Birmingham. (248) 642-5999. www.townsendhotel.com
The Whitney:  4421 Woodward Ave., Detroit. (313) 832-5700. www.thewhitney.com
(313) 222-1475
From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20101027/ENT03/10270309/Diners-choose-20-Detroit-area-restaurants-for-2011-Zagat-guide#ixzz13xmPEC9N
Check them out and if you have been to one please comment and let me know your experience!!!!
~Taylor Nicole~

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

School: "To be or not to be"

I have always wondered what the point of school is? Most of the subjects in school don't give you what you need in the REAL WORLD. How has school and learning changed from when our parents went to school? School has definitely evolved since our parents' time. Teachers now are a lot more hands-on with their students.  For example, instead of sitting and writing out your summaries, the instructor has you get up and present your knowledge.  Such active learning takes place in our 21st century classes.  Teachers try to make subjects more fun and appealing to the students.
     Technology has also been a big part of schools now. Teachers sometimes use a lot of fun new things from the Internet.  For example, in my Creative Writing class, our magazine publication is prepared via the internet.   In addition, technology has also helped with students' research and other knowledge (our parents had to use those dusty encyclopedias). Today's Chemistry, History, and Biology for example have no real meanings to living life ( Unless you want to go into that as a profession [or become a rocket scientist?!]) Math, Writing and maybe English can e something that you may use on a daily basis. High school should teach you more how to manage money, how to pay bills, things you should know about college, real estate, and taxes. Students get thrown into the REAL WORLD and are clueless. High School should prepare you for the world and some subject just aren't doing that. Then, when you get to college you can decide your major and go into whatever you like. But in High School why take Chemistry if you don't want to be a chemist? You're just wasting your time learning something that doesn't even apply or matter to you. So, my question is why learn about unrealistic subjects that doesn't apply to real life?

Please comment if you have a educated answer.....thank you:)
~Taylor Nicole~

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


  Today, I was thinking of celebrities and what they do for fame. Is fame really worth losing your sanity? Throughout the years there have been several celebrity's who have LITERALLY lost their minds. Many have developed alcohol and drug addictions and all sorts of other issues. And with some celebrity's, money has been their down fall. Being famous can bring you money and fame but what about the effects it might have on you, your family, friends and others. Many have gone into "Hollywood" and lost sight of themselves and whats REALLY important in  life. Fame has even broken up families and bond/relationships. You may think that the people around you are your "friends" but really they're just there for the fame and attention. Being a celebrity would be a constant headache for me. If I were to choose between Fame ("Hollywood") and my life and sanity, I would definitely choose my life. I would rather be around my REAL family and friends. I want to be successful but I don't want fame; I don't want the paparazzi and strangers following me. I'll be successful and make a difference from behind the scenes.
So to my readers, would you want fame or a regular life?

Monday, October 18, 2010


   Music has always been a big part of my life. Although I have never played an instrument, I still have a huge appreciation for music. Music has a way of changing your emotions. You can go from happy to sad, sad to happy, chill to hype, and etc. And depending on the artist, the song can even put you in deep thought. Some songs can even be what we call "the story of my life"; meaning that particular song can be so relatable to you that it really resembles your life. I love how songs uplift and motivate you at the lowest points in your life. Music is universal; it's not just a part my life but speaks a universal language:)

~Taylor Nicole~


  My family is the core of my heart. They make me who I am. They are who I am. My family supports me in every thing I do. When I'm low or down, they're always the one who puts a smile on my face. Ever since I was little, my parents told me and my brother that we can do whatever we put our minds to. I have lived by that all my life. I have HUGE dreams and I plan to complete every one of them. Everywhere my parents haven't been I'm going to go. The sky is the limit. My brother and I had the typical "brother and sister relationship," meaning fighting, arguing, name calling and etc. Yet, since I hit my teenage years, he has been like a best-friend. Of course, we still argue and all that but are relationship will always be "tight". My dad is my motivation. He supports me and his work ethic motivates me to always do my best. Even though my family can get on my last nerves, they truly are ME. My love for all of them will NEVER change.<3

~Taylor Nicole~

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


 Although becoming a chef is my main focus, I also want to travel. I REALLY want to go to Paris, France not only to take cooking classes but to maybe live or go to school there. Paris is one of the best places to learn cooking from. I would like my experience to be similar to the movie Julie & Julia. I love how Julia went to France and learned so many new recipes and other things about their culture. But France is only one of the many places I want to go in Europe. I have a craving to just explore the world and experience all the various cultures and of course the FOOD. Other countries include: Spain, China, Rome, Africa, Australia, and anywhere else that crosses my mind. So, to my readers where would you like to go or what cultures would you like to experience?!

~Taylor Nicole~

Sunday, October 3, 2010


 As you already know, cooking is my passion but my other dream is to own my own restaurant. I have had this vision for a long time. I want more than just one; I want several all over the world. Every time I go to a new restaurant, I find things that I like and dislike so I can incorporate them into my future one. So, here are some of my ideas.  My restaurant will be universal. The menu will be very diverse and filled with tasty dishes from every culture. Whatever you have a taste for, we will have or will make for you.  Because I am a clean freak , my restaurant will have the cleanest and fresh smelling bathrooms EVER. Also, the dishes will ALWAYS  be thoroughly washed because I hate seeing things on my eating utensils. Don't you hate being  in a restaurant and you smell smoke while you're eating? There will be a NO SMOKING policy but I will allow people to smoke outside.  Also, the waiters/waitresses will be friendly and have positive attitudes at ALL times. These are just a few of my ideas, so let me know what you think.

Looking forward to your feedback ;)
~Taylor Nicole~