Tuesday, October 26, 2010

School: "To be or not to be"

I have always wondered what the point of school is? Most of the subjects in school don't give you what you need in the REAL WORLD. How has school and learning changed from when our parents went to school? School has definitely evolved since our parents' time. Teachers now are a lot more hands-on with their students.  For example, instead of sitting and writing out your summaries, the instructor has you get up and present your knowledge.  Such active learning takes place in our 21st century classes.  Teachers try to make subjects more fun and appealing to the students.
     Technology has also been a big part of schools now. Teachers sometimes use a lot of fun new things from the Internet.  For example, in my Creative Writing class, our magazine publication is prepared via the internet.   In addition, technology has also helped with students' research and other knowledge (our parents had to use those dusty encyclopedias). Today's Chemistry, History, and Biology for example have no real meanings to living life ( Unless you want to go into that as a profession [or become a rocket scientist?!]) Math, Writing and maybe English can e something that you may use on a daily basis. High school should teach you more how to manage money, how to pay bills, things you should know about college, real estate, and taxes. Students get thrown into the REAL WORLD and are clueless. High School should prepare you for the world and some subject just aren't doing that. Then, when you get to college you can decide your major and go into whatever you like. But in High School why take Chemistry if you don't want to be a chemist? You're just wasting your time learning something that doesn't even apply or matter to you. So, my question is why learn about unrealistic subjects that doesn't apply to real life?

Please comment if you have a educated answer.....thank you:)
~Taylor Nicole~

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