Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Self Image

Why do girls let the world determine their self-image?? Girls have always looked at models, celebrities, and all women in the spotlight as an example of what women should look or act like. Women look at magazines, music videos, and gossip sites and believe that this is what they should look and be like. Is this why a majority of women buy expensive designer clothes, wear make-up, get plastic surgery, or marry rich? Is it to feel good about themselves or to compete with the next person? Or maybe impress their friends, coworkers, peers, or people in general? I believe that the root to these issues are low self-esteem and self-image.
If all women loved themselves regardless of what others thought, I believe there would be unity and love between women. There has always been that girl that just gives those " I think I'm better than you" looks. Why as girls/women can't we compliment each other or say something nice? Why does it always have to be hate? Why can't we uplift each other instead of breaking each other down?
Guys are totally different. Guys can compliment each other and become friends like it's nothing. Women shouldn't be intimidated by other women and by what they wear, drive,  financial income or social status.
How about if you see another woman on her "game", just say "girl you look good" or "you look cute today".  Some women get hated on because other women see them looking nice and they judge them before speaking to them. This "self-image problem" has been going on since before I was born and has gotten worse over the years. Where did this "character defect" come from? Why does it exist in most women today? Is is because we where raised this way? Personally, I have experienced this " character defect". I'm sure every girl/woman has taken part in this issue whether it be in a big or small way. In the future, I hope to have two girls and I pray that they DON'T EVER have this "character defect."  To ALL women/girls no matter your social status, financial income, ethnicity, culture, religion,fashion chooses, and ages please uplift one another and don't let anyone determine how YOU feel about yourself. YOU determine YOUR destiny. Live for YOU. Be FEARLESS. Be YOU.

PS. I know I wrote a previous post about self-esteem but this topic is a HUGE issue in today's society.....especially with I WILL continue to stress this topic. :)


~Taylor Nicole~

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