Monday, November 22, 2010

Love Yourself

 Last week  in my Creative Writing class, a student at OEC (Oakland Early College) did a presentation to our class. Isiah Ingram talked to us about self-esteem. Our class was asked and had to answer several Yes or No questions. This presentation was a very eye opening experience for our whole class. My classmates and I were definitely shocked by the answers. The very people that you thought you had NOTHING in common with had some of the same answers as you. I honestly think that the presentation that was given should be given in all classes and schools. By hearing others struggles made me feel like I wasn't the only one who felt that way. Because this topic is a personal and sensitive one, I didn't think that my classmates would be so open and honest with their answers. "I wasn't expecting to pour out my soul" was an answer I got  after asking how one of my classmates  felt about the presentation. All of my classmates agreed that hurtful words can damage a person, no matter who is saying them. Loved ones can say things and don't even realize the damage words can do. No matter where you go words stick with you. I learned not to judge others because you never know what they could be going through. Speak positive words into the world; not negative. Low self-esteem isn't just with teenagers or girls. I have witnessed GROWN women and men with lower self-esteem than some teenagers. Low self-esteem is one of the core reasons why bullies become bullies. Some people talk down to others to boost their own self-esteem. But what they will find out is that it is hardly the answer. The key is to love EVERYONE and most importantly to love YOURSELF. DESPITE what others may say about you or to you. If you have SELF love nothing and no one else opinion will EVER  matter!!!!

This post is  for EVERYONE!!!!......LOVE YOURSELF!!!!!!

~Taylor Nicole~

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