Monday, November 8, 2010

Why Violence?

In this world today, we tend to deal with things with violence.  I don't even watch the local news anymore because it's just politics and violence.  Violence should never be an option (unless you are defending yourself). I don't see how people can easily take someone's life. I could not even sleep at night if I took someone's life. People don't realize what they are doing to someone's life. They could have been the only provider for their family. I have seen myself what the death of a son, father, and friend has done to a family or person. The different emotions that they went through. Death is a hard and terrible thing to deal with.  I do believe that if you break the rules then you should be punished. But some punishments are even worse then the crime committed. People go to jail for the smallest things nowadays. I think criminals should be punished but there should be another alternative for them instead of jail. For example, if a teenager spray paints a wall, instead of sending them to jail; send them to an Art program or something like that.
In addition, I strongly believe community service is an awesome alternative for prison. The legal system is so caught up in their prison rates that they don't think  about what they are doing to society or that persons life. My mother has always called me a "peace maker" because I hated confrontation and fighting. Am I the only person who feels this way about today's society or is this just my "peace maker" ways?  Before fighting or hurting someone, talk about it.   Teachers, counselors, principals, and parents are all  there for you. Violence is never the answer.

~Taylor Nicole~

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