Wednesday, November 3, 2010


  When I look back over the years, I see people losing their morals more and more everyday. What happened to respect, love, self-respect and mannerism?! Manners are lacking in today's society. Some of the things that goes on today our parents are appalled by. Hard work and knowledge is now being traded for good looks or beauty. In our parents day, youth valued education and hard work more then we do now. Even with guys nowadays, most don't open doors for women, respect women, or let alone treat them with any respect. I hate to see guys being disrespectful, lazy and irresponsible. They are just not as respectful as the guys back in our parents time. I'm not just trying to come down on the guys because the girls these days aren't any better. I believe some girls these days have NO respect for themselves AT ALL. Most are either what I call "Mean Girls" or "Fast." Because of their lack of self esteem, girls let guys take advantage of them. I really wish my generation would bring back some of the great qualities as our parents' days. Where did we go wrong in our society that our morals are disappearing?

Comment and share your opinion please!!

~Taylor Nicole~

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