Wednesday, October 20, 2010


  Today, I was thinking of celebrities and what they do for fame. Is fame really worth losing your sanity? Throughout the years there have been several celebrity's who have LITERALLY lost their minds. Many have developed alcohol and drug addictions and all sorts of other issues. And with some celebrity's, money has been their down fall. Being famous can bring you money and fame but what about the effects it might have on you, your family, friends and others. Many have gone into "Hollywood" and lost sight of themselves and whats REALLY important in  life. Fame has even broken up families and bond/relationships. You may think that the people around you are your "friends" but really they're just there for the fame and attention. Being a celebrity would be a constant headache for me. If I were to choose between Fame ("Hollywood") and my life and sanity, I would definitely choose my life. I would rather be around my REAL family and friends. I want to be successful but I don't want fame; I don't want the paparazzi and strangers following me. I'll be successful and make a difference from behind the scenes.
So to my readers, would you want fame or a regular life?

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