Sunday, October 3, 2010


 As you already know, cooking is my passion but my other dream is to own my own restaurant. I have had this vision for a long time. I want more than just one; I want several all over the world. Every time I go to a new restaurant, I find things that I like and dislike so I can incorporate them into my future one. So, here are some of my ideas.  My restaurant will be universal. The menu will be very diverse and filled with tasty dishes from every culture. Whatever you have a taste for, we will have or will make for you.  Because I am a clean freak , my restaurant will have the cleanest and fresh smelling bathrooms EVER. Also, the dishes will ALWAYS  be thoroughly washed because I hate seeing things on my eating utensils. Don't you hate being  in a restaurant and you smell smoke while you're eating? There will be a NO SMOKING policy but I will allow people to smoke outside.  Also, the waiters/waitresses will be friendly and have positive attitudes at ALL times. These are just a few of my ideas, so let me know what you think.

Looking forward to your feedback ;)
~Taylor Nicole~

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