Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sweets Be Gone?

    Remember when it was your birthday at school and you might bring some sort of desserts to pass out to your classmates? Well, recently in some Michigan schools, there have been some changes. You are no longer allowed to pass out those sweet treats because food can't be apart of school celebrations. Instead of snacking on your favorite sweets, you and your classmates might have more gym time or another activity. I understand that schools are trying to be more healthy and active with the students but what is one cupcake going to do? What about what the schools are feeding them for lunch?
   I think the schools should start with the lunch menu first. Children might gain a 1 pound from eating a cupcake but go to lunch and eat some more sweets or a couple slices of pizza.   What about the nutritional contents there?!  The child could eat  carrots and celery then go home and eat chips and pop-tarts. So, the schools still wouldn't accomplish their goal. I say start in the school cafeteria and then talk to the parents and make them aware of what they are feeding their children. How about  just limit the amount of sweets each child can have?  Even though gym was my favorite in school, I also loved when my birthday was on a weekday. Classroom birthday parties were the best!  I could pass out snacks and socialize with my friends.
To my readers, do you think this a good idea or should they let children be children?

~Taylor Nicole~

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