Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why Tell Lies???

Everyone has participated in some form of lying. Either it be fake compliments (i.e. "You look cute today"), pretending to enjoy someone's company (i.e. "It was nice seeing you today"), pretending to be something that you're not, or saying you like something just to fit in (i.e. "Yeah, I like Twilight too"). Why not just tell the truth?
Maybe some people think that being truthful will come off as being mean or they're just scared of telling the truth. I think people fail to realize is there's a BIG difference between being honest and being hurtful. If someone ASKS for your opinion, then be honest but yet soft-spoken. Stating the truth can sometime be difficult but it can also be freeing. If you disagree of something then try to find a positive thing about it. Everyone always gets caught up in those "little white lies" (which are NEVER little) but if they're so little, then why do you have to lie about them?? I believe that no lie is small. Sometimes you might not think its a big deal but it can be hurtful to someone else. The things about lies are they might start out "small" but EVENTUALLY they turn into a BIG pile of them. After you tell a lie, you have to keep building and building on that lie. In my opinion, I would much rather have someone who will be honest with me. I have a lot more respect and trust for someone who can be straight honest with me and I value their opinion more too. So, in closing, be honest but also THINK before you speak. Speak truthful soft-spoken words. Just like the old saying says " If you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all".
Honesty is the BEST policy :)

~Taylor Nicole~

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