Friday, December 17, 2010

Watch What You Watch!

I have noticed that a lot of parents don't really pay attention to what their children watch. TV shows today have a lot of sexual language and content. Many parents just see cartoons and sit their child in front of the TV but what they don't know is that many animated cartoon shows have inappropriate adult language and explicit language. Shows such as Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, Futurama, and Boondocks. All of these shows are animated cartoons that are EXTREMELY unsuitable for children. These shows are not only on the basic channels (ABC, Fox, CW, NBC) but on (what are suppose to be) children networks such as Cartoon Network. All those shows I listed are played on a segment on Cartoon Network called Adult Swim. Adult Swim comes on at 10 pm everyday on Cartoon Network. There are even more shows then what I listed on this program. Not all kids go to bed at 10 pm and what are they watching if they are up? "Cartoons." I truly believe that if you're going to play those shows then create your on channel for that but putting it on a "child biased" channel. Really? (not cool AT ALL)
Because I'm a teenager, I don't believe that its THAT inappropriate for us. Teenagers hear A LOT of explicit language on a DAILY basis (school, peers, family, etc) so these shows don't really affect us as much. But children (12 and lower) should not be watching these shows. They shouldn't even know what their explicit jokes they say in the show mean at that age. When you are young, you might hear things that you don't understand and it can make you become curious. That curiosity can lead to finding out what those "little" jokes mean. Children not only hear this vulgar language but are also getting a visual of certain things they shouldn't see. Then parents wonder where their child is getting this language or attitude from. Hmmmm maybe it's what their watching or what is being said around them. Children at a young age are like sponges. Whatever they see, hear and are exposed to they will start to apply. So, be careful what YOU, your children, cousins, and whoever else you know are exposed to. Because if you don't, that will EVENTUALLY be the outcome of  them.

This post is for everyone!!!!!!
~Taylor Nicole~

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