Wednesday, November 10, 2010


   Since I've been in my Creative Writing class, I have grown as a writer.  With the necessity of daily writing, my literary skills have increased. Even though I have always thought of myself as good writer, there is always room for improvement. Furthermore, as a writer or even as a person, there is always room to grow and learn. Creative Writing has been my favorite subject for a long time. With prose, you can express yourself and not be restricted to just one topic. Mrs. Lashbrook, my teacher, has taught me to be more fun and creative with writing. Creative Writing is suppose to be exactly how it's said "creative writing." I'm learning how to have fun expressing myself with my writing.
Also, I'm learning how to talk to my readers and interact with them. Ask them questions and get them excited to read my posts. If your writing an informative paper, make it informational but not boring. Have fun with writing. I enjoy learning new ways to write. I hope to continue building my writing skills and keep my readers interested.
~Taylor Nicole~

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