Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Women: Deep Thoughts At 4am..........I Don't Sleep!

A Woman Should Have by Maya Angelou
enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own,
even if she never wants to or needs to...

something perfect to wear if the employer,
or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...

a youth she's content to leave behind....

a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....

a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...

one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...

a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...

eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,
and a recipe for a meal,
that will make her guests feel honored...

a feeling of control over her destiny...

how to fall in love without losing herself..

how to quit a job,
break up with a lover,
and confront a friend without;
ruining the friendship...

when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...

that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..

that her childhood may not have been perfect...but its over...

what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...

how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...

whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...

where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table..
or a charming inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...

what she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year... 

I love this poem mainly because women don't really follow this list of TRUTH anymore. More and more everyday I see young girls and grown women losing or in some cases giving away their self-esteem and respect. When did women start ignoring or letting go of the things in this poem? Women are so much more than what we wear, what our hair looks like, what our body looks like, how much money we have, who our significant other is, or how much money he makes! I cringe at the sight of a young girls and women who think that life is all about these things.
I'm tired of seeing girls my age feel like they have to have sex with a guy for him to "love" them or for him to stay in a "relationship" with them. To be honest, at our age we don't even know the true meaning of love and what it takes to be in a REAL committed relationship. If you feel like you have to "give up" of change certain things in order to keep your relationship, 9 times out of 10 your relationship is INDEED unstable and will most likely end; regardless of what you do or change.  
Why is it that girls my age even feel like NEED to have a boyfriend? Is it because society says your suppose to have a boyfriend? Or because your friends have one? Are you lacking love in another area therefore you are seeking it from somewhere else? Whatever the case may be, I'm sick of seeing girls devote everything to a guy! Be friends for awhile. Focus on YOUR life.
I'm 16, happily single, Christian, maintains a 3.8 GPA while taking college classes, beautiful, and proud to say I'm STILL a virgin and plans on staying that way until I get married (with the help of GOD lol). Love? I'll let it find me. I'm not perfect and never will be BUT I have BIG goals and I intend on completing every single one. I don't have the HIGHEST self-esteem but I refuse to let anyone come in the way of my goals. In my book, my future comes first. I'm not saying stay single but don't lose sight or alter yourself for someone that isn't on the same path as you or doesn't have your best interest at heart. Like Maya said " every woman should know...how to fall in love without losing herself." Be in a relationship but have YOUR own thing going on. 
A prime example of that kind of woman is Michelle Obama. Although her husband is the president of the USA, she does her own thing. She doesn't just sit back and look pretty by his  side. She travels without him, launching her own campaigns, being an active mother, wife, and first lady all while looking FABULOUS! She has many titles but she's not living in the shadow of her husband's title; she's her OWN woman. 
Women are so powerful but many don't even know it. This poem represents the power, determination, and strength women have and how capable we are on our own.We're beautiful, powerful, sexy, intelligent, fearless and can be unstoppable. But it's sad to say that in today's society a lot of women and girls lack class, self esteem, and morals.  I want more women and girls to believe in what this poem says. Because of the girls I see in my generation, I fear for the future women and their offspring. As I get older, there are fewer and fewer positive female role models. Am I the only that see's this drastic change in women over the years?

PS. I have a few women who have impacted my life tremendously. Each of them are in some way apart of who I am today. I thank God for having such beautiful women to look up to. S/O to them!.....

I don't know why the words in this post came out like this...It's frustrating me so I'm just going to leave it alone lol...also doesn't Michelle Obama look fierce in that picture....LOVE her!

~Taylor Nicole~

Random Quotes/Poems I Love....

Girls are like apples…the best ones are at the top of the trees. The boys don’t want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren’t as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think there is something wrong with them, when, in reality, they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who’s brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree… — Pete Wentz


Still I Rise - Maya Angelou

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I’ll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don’t you take it awful hard
‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I’ve got diamonds 
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

I stole these from my friend's tumblr....I LOVED these sooooo much : )
~Taylor Nicole~

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Race To Nowhere....

As a child and even now as a teenager nobody told me that success is not defined by how good your grades are, what ivy league college you attend, and how many extra curricular activities you take. It’s about your determination to never quit, having goals, believing in yourself, and going after what ultimately makes you happy. The world and the educational system has to change the concept of what success really is. Race to Nowhere is a documentary I watched on Friday, April 29th at Oakland Early College that  focuses on the pressures of school that lie on the backs of most teenagers today.
As I was watching the documentary, I saw myself in some of the teens that were speaking. I honestly don’t believe that the students needed to watch the video as much as the teachers and parents. They are the ones who don’t really know how serious the pressure of school can affect a teenager. “ I wish when I looked behind me that the place was filled with parents” said Emily Seward, a fellow OEC student. Parents don’t understand the stress on teenagers today. Some parents think that teenagers complain a lot and have nothing to worry about. That is not true. The stress to get grades, please parents, and attend a good college is a lot on just one person. Because kids are still young, some teenagers don’t know how to cope with stress. For example, the 13-year-old girl, Devon, committed suicide  after receiving her first “F.” She did not even get a chance to go to high school. When a teenager in the documentary said that they didn’t sleep and had headaches, I thought about myself and how those naps and headaches after school were due to stress and I did not even know it.
After we watched Race To Nowhere, all the students went to what we called break out sessions. In the break out session, a group of students spoke on their feelings on the documentary. Each and every student that I talked to could relate in some way to the documentary. The pressure of getting good grades so we can get into our favorite or great college and the heavy expectations of reaching success and becoming known to the world can be very stressful on a teenager. In this realistic documentary, they show millionaires and billionaires who are successful with little to no college degree. Society has the wrong views on what is required to become successful. Starting from first grade all the way through high school one is constantly asked “what do you want to be” and “what college do want to go to?” What I interpret from these questions are you are suppose to graduate with good grades and attend a four year college. These questions create stress and very high expectations in a teenager’s mind. The documentary talked about how those small comments and questions about school can easily add on even more pressure. All the stress that teenagers face is really unnecessary. If there are many successful people in the world today, some with no college education why is society stressing teenagers to have this big educational plan?
This eye-opening documentary shows the different issues in the education system. Race to Nowhere is something that everyone must see to understand that school is serious but it doesn’t have to be so stressful. School shouldn’t be something students dread when they wake up in the morning. Society needs to change their perspective on success. Changes definitely need to be made to make the education system better for everyone. I recommend Race To Nowhere to everyone; it is something that is necessary for everyone to watch.

If given the oppertunity, please watch this documentary; it is a MUST SEE!!!!
Website Link: http://www.racetonowhere.com/

~Taylor Nicole~

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Butterfly Stage.....

  Well, as you can see from my last post, I am a lot more open, bold, secure, and just flat out outspoken. I don't like to "sugar coat" things. That's why I named this blog Freeing Thoughts because that's exactly what I plan on doing. I never could write in a journal or diary but once I started blogging, it was like an outlet for me.
   Every since I was little, I never really spoke my mind. I came off as timid or shy. As I have gotten older and gone through different things, I just start not caring and saying what was on my mind. Yet, I am still VERY observant and quiet at times. Right now in my life, I'm in a changing process or "Cocoon stage" as my mom calls it. I'm in the "Cocoon stage" meaning I'm in a transformation stage. I'm facing the mirror and working on things that I see in myself that need to change. I may be young but I know when things are not right or ugly within myself. I see change as a sign of growth and maturity. A lot of people are scared of change. Change is something that is necessary for one to move forward. It is NOT easy but it is a necessary process that everyone must eventually face. I try to embrace it. I don't want to change because of others opinions but for ME and also because I know that God will judge me for the way I live my life. And I know he's not going to hold back; meaning he's going to judge me on everything that I do, say, think, and ultimately what's in my heart. I know NO ONE is perfect but if I see something wrong within myself I will try my very best to work on that.
    Forgiveness and my attitude is what I'm working on right now. These two thing are the hardest for me. It's hard for me to forgive someone who has REALLY hurt me. My attitude ties in with forgiveness. If I haven't forgiven you then it's hard for my attitude toward you to be good. It's hard for me to pretend to like someone. If I don't like you, it will DEFINITELY show (unless you're blind). But I think I'm getting better. I hope to reach the "Butterfly stage" soon.

Still transforming. I am a work in progress : )

~Taylor Nicole~

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Life Experiences......

      Break is over and school started this week. Its been a crazy week and I had a rough first day back on Monday. I've been having a lot of different emotions going on for some reason. I don't know if it's just the stress of school or what. But today was great and I'm just living day by day. The weather is amazing and my grades are good and I'm proud of myself (if I may say so myself).
    But today while on twitter, I started reflecting on my life. I started thinking about all the crazy roller-coaster emotions that I've had these past 4years. Those years were kind of difficult for me and my family. I learned a lot about myself and some of my "family". And I'm not trying to gain pity, I'm just simply reflecting on my life. A lot of things have been done and said about me and behind my back. A lot of hurtful things. As a result of that, I have distanced myself from a lot of people. The main people who are there to support you and build you up kind of did the opposite. Who am I talking about? FAMILY!. I been lied to, talked about, and treated like I'm worthless. The sad part is these are the people who have been there ALL my life. Yet, I believe, ultimately want to see me fail. I'm NOT saying all of my family is like this. But there are a few. I'm NOT going to go into who did what or who said what. I'm not writing this to bash them. I'm just opening my heart and saying what's on my mind. And if your one of my family members reading this I'm not telling you who I'm talking about...even though I'm pretty sure you have an idea. What the verbally abusive family members don't realize is. They haven't really hurt me that much. They've simply gave me experiences that have taught me things and matured me even more. I've gotten soooo much stronger as a person. I understand a lot of things that I never knew. Of course, I've cried, got pissed off, and maybe came off a little bitter because of certain situations. But I've learned how and STILL learning to forgive and let go of some past feelings and people. I've learned how to love someone from a distance. I've become even more private. I've learned not to trust and confide in everybody. I've learned that everyone doesn't want you to succeed in life.
    All these things that I have learned have shaped me into who I am NOW. I've been called antisocial plenty of times before. I don't think I'm antisocial. I'm a loner. If I was antisocial, I wouldn't have been able to go to a new school and meet new people and become scary close to some of them. I like to be alone sometimes. I need space. Some people don't understand that because they constantly have to be around someone. I prefer to be alone until I feel like being bothered. My past experiences have made me isolate myself from some of my family. I've also learned how to see through BS. Its an AWESOME gift. So, sometimes I don't want to deal with the BS and the fakeness. I would rather be by myself. Sometimes I can come off as a mean person because of that. I'm extremely focused on my future....my goals. And being that I know some people want to see me fail, that motivates me to strive for more and go harder. I'm looking nowhere but up. I've learned to be ok and accept the people who act crazy. That's who they are. I am who I am. And it is what it is. I am Taylor Nicole and I know who I am. I know what type of person I am. I don't care what others do, act, say, or their attitudes towards me. I no longer care at all. Others opinions don't phase me. Those who love, appreciate, support and just go hard for me matter the most. I'm going to do my best to make them proud. I'm going to continue to evolve into a better me. And complete all my goals. At the end of the day the only opinion that matters is God's. PERIOD!

I love ALL of my family...even those who have hurt me in the past.....i mean because as you can see they really didn't effect me anyway. *shrugs*

The ambitious girl,
~Taylor Nicole~

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sickness!.....Mind Over Matter

Soooooo in my last post I was super excited about break. Now that I'm on break, get this...I'M SICK!!!!!! This is sooooo unfair.! My weekend consisted of watching re-runs of Girlfriends, The Game, and movies. This is just ridiculous. But I'm trying this mind over matter thing. Its kind of working but I really want to get better so this break won't be a complete waste. I'm loosing my appetite, downing drugs left and right, and sleeping my life away. This is not the way I planned my break.

~Taylor Nicole~

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Random: My New Favorite Website!.....School Has Taken Over!!!!......The Best Holiday!!!

      So this week, I was talking to one of my favorite teachers Ms. Chan. As we were having our usual lunchtime chats, she mentioned this website/blog that has ALL different kinds of recipes.! And I went immediately to the site to check it out. The website is INCREDIBLE!!!!! Smittenkitchen.com is the website. It has different categories to chose from. You can chose from, seasonal favorites, sweets, fruit, vegetables, and MANY other categories. The site is quite overwhelming. There are so many things to see, try, and read. This site is heaven for all Culinary Arts people. The blogger gives you step by step instructions for all the recipes and even shares their experience. There are great pictures for each recipe as well. I am truly in love with this website. Even if you are not into cooking, just looking at the pictures will make you want to crawl through your computer screen. The pictures LITERALLY made my stomach growl. So, yeah, check it out....you won't be disappointed!
     On another note, I'm sorry I haven't been blogging like I use to. School has LITERALLY taken over my life. *Sighs* The upside to that is that I'm getting A's and B's. But my days and weekends are mostly filled with homework. I don't know what it is but I'm more determined then I've EVER been. It's like I can feel that God has something amazing planned for my life. I'm so in love with my future! And I honestly believe it will be great regardless of any obstacles that has and will come my way.
     With that being said, I'm soooooooooooooo looking forward to Summer; being that the BEST holiday of the year is in the Summer...........MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! *screams*........oh I'm such a loser : ) I really can't wait for that! I'm already planing things so I'm really excited (if you haven't noticed).
     Even though I'm CRAZY busy with everything, I'm still finding joy in my life. That joy I speak of comes from the laughter and wisdom I get everyday from different people. Ultimately, I'm doing pretty good. I really can't complain about anything. Everyday I find more and more things to be grateful for. I'm truly blessed!

~Taylor Nicole~

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Make A Change......

 Today, someone I knew when I was younger upset me by their actions. I wasn't that close to him but to see people wasting their lives on BS upsets me. As a child I could see him spiraling out of control. He seemed to be one of those kids who had this "dark" vibe to him. As I watched him get older, he was officially out of control. He is what I call a "pretender." A "pretender" is someone who acts as though they are something they are not. In this case, he was pretending to be hard/tough, disrespectful, careless, reckless, arrogant, and above everyone else. The sad part is he is no longer pretending. What scares me is that this "dark" young man is now a man with a younger brother who looks up to him. He is showing his littler brother all these horrible character traits that will only lead him into destruction. At the age of 16 he had a baby with a girl. Now he has two examples to set. What REALLY bothers me is that he hasn't changed. He is still the same. When is he going to get to that point where he steps up and becomes a man? A REAL one!  This now 18 or 19 year old is still acting reckless. I don't think he understands the seriousness of setting an example and bringing another person into the world who has no choice but to depend on you; the FATHER. But what I'm constantly seeing from him is trying to impress others and "stuntin" like his life is ideal.  Stop trying to stunt! REALLY? He's wasting his life. The more he pretends like he's the shit; the more he looks like a lame! Please! He's trying to impress people who could careless rather he lives or die! I hate when people live their lives recklessly I can name countless people who I've lost in the past who wish they got to see their children, grandchildren, and other love ones grow up. So, STOP trying to stunt! When in reality he needs to be taking care of that baby he had out of wedlock...smh GROW UP!!!! My generation needs to become better.....seriously!!! Sometimes it scares me to think of how the next generation will be because of the examples my generation has set.

DO BETTER. Set a better example for our future generation.....after all they will be the ones making decisions that will effect us!!


~Taylor Nicole~

Monday, February 21, 2011

Love : )

 So, Saturday (Feb. 19) was my parents anniversary. Oh no let me say again. My parents 21st anniversary. Yes, they've been married for 21 years. Wow, that still amazes me. My parents are the reason why I will NEVER give up on love. They are my example of what real love should be like and how a couple should carry themselves. My parents have NEVER "sugar-coated" when it comes to marriage. They have told me that marriage is hard and is not always "a walk in the park." But seeing them together always makes me want that for myself one day. They've have been through sooooo much together and yet they're still in love. They have been through 2 kids, death of love ones, dealing with the death of love ones, and dealing with their MANY haters and other things. My parents were told by many people that they were wrong for each other,  they won't last and many other negative comments. Yet, they stuck by each other. I'm not saying that their relationship is perfect, no relationship is. If you ask them what the key to their relationship is, they will say God. When you and your spouse or partner have God in your life and relationship, nothing and no one can break that relationship. Another key that I've noticed to a great relationship is communication. If you can't talk to your partner, then really there is no relationship. I want to be able to tell him any and everything without being judged. I've also found that trust is another big key. If I can't trust you or constantly worrying about what you're doing, who you're with, if you're REALLY where you say you are, or worrying about our personal conversations being told to someone else, then we're not meant to be together. God, Trust, and Communication are keys that my parents have. If it worked for them, then it can work for me : )

Remember action speaks louder than words....if you REALLY care about someone show them....practice what you preach. Love is a beautiful thing.....when its REAL <3

~Taylor Nicole~

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Problem Part II.......Random Rave.....Procrastination is a KILLER!!!

   So in previous post I spoke of this "problem" I have. Since then, I have been working on it and I am actually getting better. My semester 1 grades are A,A,B,B,B,B. I did great. Although, I plan on doing better this semester. School is something everyone has to experience. Some people have good experiences and others might have bad. But I've learned that its all about how you look at it. Last semester, I think I was SUPER stressed out because I took school TOO serious. Now don't get me wrong, school is EXTREMELY important but sometimes it's not worth stressing over. When I think about school, I think of it as something I have to go through in order to make my goals and dreams happen. That's why I try my hardest in school. I have soooo many goals and I'm focused on completing them. Which means that school is over all other NON important things. I want to do something with my life. I want to help people. I want to be financially comfortable. I don't want to worry about anything. I want to be independent. But I also want to be a wife, mother, friend, business women, chef, and what ever else I put my mind to. So, my advice to those who are BS'in their way through high-school. You're an idiot. Do better. Want more. Do more. BS'in will get you no where. While everyone else is doing something with their lives, you won't be. While others are going places, you'll still be right where you are. Are you honestly ok with that?? Because I want more. I REFUSE to stay in the same place, do the same things, and see the same thing everyday.
  Ok, sorry for the outburst, I needed to get that off my chest : ).  Now, moving on, I discovered a another problem that EVERYONE has. Procrastination. Procrastination is something I NEVER had until last year. It is the worst disease to EVER hit mankind. Procrastination can literally make your life, especially your academic life, a living hell. I am currently trying to beat this disease as I type. BEWARE of this disease!!!! STAY FAR AWAY from it!!. 

~Taylor Nicole~

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Problem.....

 So, I discovered I have a problem. Well, not really a problem; more like a character defect. Or maybe it's a fear. You get my point. My problem is that I hate to fail. Or be a failure. I hold myself at such a high standard that when I don't do well on or at something I feel as though I've failed. I've always been the one who does my best and tries to stay on top of things. But everyone has their strong and weak points. Some people say "I wish my son was as disciplined as you." or "I wish I had that mind frame." When I started at a new school last year, it was hard for me to accept being weak in one area of school. What people don't get about my problem is that when I get a bad grade or do bad at something, I beat myself up about it. I get down about it and can sometimes get stressed out about it.  This problem can result into carrying that bad grade or thinking I failed a test on my back for the rest of the day or even week. All this worrying can leave one stressed. Is this what they call an overachiever? If it is I no longer want to be one. I want to be content with doing my best and not thinking I've failed myself and my teachers. Do I have this problem because everyone always says "I know she can do it." or "She's so smart and mature for her age."? All these saying can put a very high expectation on just one person. These are very nice compliments but can make me think I have to live up to them. And if I don't then I'm a failure. Those compliments also made me doubt myself and my academic abilities. I thought "Am I really as smart as they say." or "Can I really handle this." I didn't want to disappoint my proud parents. They were so sure of me but was I? I wanted to be just as confident in myself as they were in me. Do you see how this can become a problem?? I'm still working on excepting my weaknesses and being happy with just doing my best. I'm working on accepting the fact that I can't be great at everything. I need to know that I did my best and that's all I can do. I'm a work in progress. Am I the only one who has this problem???? Or am I just crazy??

~Taylor Nicole~

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tasty Recipes.....Yum!!!

Being that my blog is called Passion Food. I thought I'd give you a tasty recipe to try. One of my favorites recipes that has been passed down from my family is White Chili. I know your use to the traditional chili but I honestly like this one better. When you look at the ingredients you might be a little hesitate to try it. Trust me this mouth watering dish will leave you wanting more.! I hope you enjoy it :)

White Chili : Ingredients

5 chicken breasts chopped and stir-fried in olive or canola oil with 1 bunch of green (chopped) green onions and 1 clove of garlic (chopped)
2 16oz. jars of Palco salsa (mild or spicy)
1 8oz. of monterey jack cheese
1 48oz. jar of northern beans
2 teaspoons of cumin (spice)

This is stove topped cooked in a pot. Feel free to accommodate to your taste. Enjoy.

~Taylor Nicole~

Eat Pray Love

   One of my new favorite movies is Eat Pray Love. It follows Elizabeth Gilbert (Julia Roberts) on her journey to find herself. She learned how to live and enjoy life without any regrets. My favorite part about this movie is the amazing quotes they used. The one that stood out to me the most was " The sweetness of doing nothing." I loved this quote because sometimes doing nothing can be the best time of your day. "The sweetness of doing nothing" can mean enjoying life and taking life as it comes. Sometimes not having a schedule or plans can simply be the sweetness that you need. In this case, Elizabeth had lost the sweet taste of life. She no longer knew who she was. She had no sight of her future. Sometimes people get so caught up in school, jobs, relationships, kids, and other things that they lose sight of the beauty of life. Seeing the news alone can make people forget about the raw beauty life has to offer. But if we don't have a balance between the chagllenges of life and sweetness of life, then you will eventually end up like Elizabeth; blind to everything in front of you. Make the best of your life. Don't take anything for granted. Enjoy "the sweetness of doing nothing."

~Taylor Nicole~

Peer Pressure

 Throughout the years, one thing that never ends is peer pressure. Wherever you go, there will always be someone trying to pressure you into doing something wrong or out of your character. The key pressure in today's society is drugs. Drugs are considered "cool" (for some odd reason). Teenagers often get into drugs by peer pressure or curiosity. Some kids younger then me have tried drugs and are addicted to them. My reason for never trying or taking drugs is, I don't want to get addicted to them. Some people try a drug once and get hooked. Others might take a couple more tries. Don't get me wrong I'm all for using it for health or medical reasons. That's completely different. My issue is when young kids take drugs just to fit in. They don't even know the affects it can have on your body. Think about it. You're doing drugs just to impress people you're probably not going to see after you graduate. Are you still going to think drugs are cool when your wife or husband leaves you because of it? How about when you loose your job because of it? I don't think drugs will be cool then. Drugs are a serious issue and can change your life completely. Next time someone offers you drugs, say you're "Too Cool For Drugs" (lame I know). Drugs don't help your future and can sometimes determine whether you have one. I love my future way more then I would drugs. I'm too smart for drugs.

~Taylor Nicole~

God Bless The Woman Who Has Her Own!!!

  So, in my English class I just finished reading Medea (a Greek play). And in the play she basically gives up EVERYTHING for this guy (who she eventually married). I mean she turned against her own family,killed her brother, and left her country to go to this foreign country. I definitely believe in love and compromise but she took it way to far. My question is why do women give up EVERYTHING just to be with someone??? Most guys never drop everything for a women. I think that you should have your own just as a man does. My plan is to finish school, travel, and have a established career before I get married. Oh please, excuse me if I choose not to be a 50's house wife. I'm not saying that my house won't be clean or I won't cook for my husband. Do you honestly think I'm going to cook and clean all day until he gets home? That would drive me crazy. How much cooking and cleaning can one person do? I refuse to live in my husband's shadow. Should I just forget my goals because I get married? I want to be my own person. Don't get me wrong I will fully support him and he should do the same for me. I want to be an example of a strong successful woman who just happens to be in a relationship. So, "God Bless The Woman Who Has Her Own."

~Taylor Nicole~