Saturday, March 26, 2011

Random: My New Favorite Website!.....School Has Taken Over!!!!......The Best Holiday!!!

      So this week, I was talking to one of my favorite teachers Ms. Chan. As we were having our usual lunchtime chats, she mentioned this website/blog that has ALL different kinds of recipes.! And I went immediately to the site to check it out. The website is INCREDIBLE!!!!! is the website. It has different categories to chose from. You can chose from, seasonal favorites, sweets, fruit, vegetables, and MANY other categories. The site is quite overwhelming. There are so many things to see, try, and read. This site is heaven for all Culinary Arts people. The blogger gives you step by step instructions for all the recipes and even shares their experience. There are great pictures for each recipe as well. I am truly in love with this website. Even if you are not into cooking, just looking at the pictures will make you want to crawl through your computer screen. The pictures LITERALLY made my stomach growl. So, yeah, check it won't be disappointed!
     On another note, I'm sorry I haven't been blogging like I use to. School has LITERALLY taken over my life. *Sighs* The upside to that is that I'm getting A's and B's. But my days and weekends are mostly filled with homework. I don't know what it is but I'm more determined then I've EVER been. It's like I can feel that God has something amazing planned for my life. I'm so in love with my future! And I honestly believe it will be great regardless of any obstacles that has and will come my way.
     With that being said, I'm soooooooooooooo looking forward to Summer; being that the BEST holiday of the year is in the Summer...........MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! *screams*........oh I'm such a loser : ) I really can't wait for that! I'm already planing things so I'm really excited (if you haven't noticed).
     Even though I'm CRAZY busy with everything, I'm still finding joy in my life. That joy I speak of comes from the laughter and wisdom I get everyday from different people. Ultimately, I'm doing pretty good. I really can't complain about anything. Everyday I find more and more things to be grateful for. I'm truly blessed!

~Taylor Nicole~

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