Tuesday, January 18, 2011

God Bless The Woman Who Has Her Own!!!

  So, in my English class I just finished reading Medea (a Greek play). And in the play she basically gives up EVERYTHING for this guy (who she eventually married). I mean she turned against her own family,killed her brother, and left her country to go to this foreign country. I definitely believe in love and compromise but she took it way to far. My question is why do women give up EVERYTHING just to be with someone??? Most guys never drop everything for a women. I think that you should have your own just as a man does. My plan is to finish school, travel, and have a established career before I get married. Oh please, excuse me if I choose not to be a 50's house wife. I'm not saying that my house won't be clean or I won't cook for my husband. Do you honestly think I'm going to cook and clean all day until he gets home? That would drive me crazy. How much cooking and cleaning can one person do? I refuse to live in my husband's shadow. Should I just forget my goals because I get married? I want to be my own person. Don't get me wrong I will fully support him and he should do the same for me. I want to be an example of a strong successful woman who just happens to be in a relationship. So, "God Bless The Woman Who Has Her Own."

~Taylor Nicole~

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