Thursday, March 3, 2011

Make A Change......

 Today, someone I knew when I was younger upset me by their actions. I wasn't that close to him but to see people wasting their lives on BS upsets me. As a child I could see him spiraling out of control. He seemed to be one of those kids who had this "dark" vibe to him. As I watched him get older, he was officially out of control. He is what I call a "pretender." A "pretender" is someone who acts as though they are something they are not. In this case, he was pretending to be hard/tough, disrespectful, careless, reckless, arrogant, and above everyone else. The sad part is he is no longer pretending. What scares me is that this "dark" young man is now a man with a younger brother who looks up to him. He is showing his littler brother all these horrible character traits that will only lead him into destruction. At the age of 16 he had a baby with a girl. Now he has two examples to set. What REALLY bothers me is that he hasn't changed. He is still the same. When is he going to get to that point where he steps up and becomes a man? A REAL one!  This now 18 or 19 year old is still acting reckless. I don't think he understands the seriousness of setting an example and bringing another person into the world who has no choice but to depend on you; the FATHER. But what I'm constantly seeing from him is trying to impress others and "stuntin" like his life is ideal.  Stop trying to stunt! REALLY? He's wasting his life. The more he pretends like he's the shit; the more he looks like a lame! Please! He's trying to impress people who could careless rather he lives or die! I hate when people live their lives recklessly I can name countless people who I've lost in the past who wish they got to see their children, grandchildren, and other love ones grow up. So, STOP trying to stunt! When in reality he needs to be taking care of that baby he had out of wedlock...smh GROW UP!!!! My generation needs to become better.....seriously!!! Sometimes it scares me to think of how the next generation will be because of the examples my generation has set.

DO BETTER. Set a better example for our future generation.....after all they will be the ones making decisions that will effect us!!


~Taylor Nicole~

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