Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Eat Pray Love

   One of my new favorite movies is Eat Pray Love. It follows Elizabeth Gilbert (Julia Roberts) on her journey to find herself. She learned how to live and enjoy life without any regrets. My favorite part about this movie is the amazing quotes they used. The one that stood out to me the most was " The sweetness of doing nothing." I loved this quote because sometimes doing nothing can be the best time of your day. "The sweetness of doing nothing" can mean enjoying life and taking life as it comes. Sometimes not having a schedule or plans can simply be the sweetness that you need. In this case, Elizabeth had lost the sweet taste of life. She no longer knew who she was. She had no sight of her future. Sometimes people get so caught up in school, jobs, relationships, kids, and other things that they lose sight of the beauty of life. Seeing the news alone can make people forget about the raw beauty life has to offer. But if we don't have a balance between the chagllenges of life and sweetness of life, then you will eventually end up like Elizabeth; blind to everything in front of you. Make the best of your life. Don't take anything for granted. Enjoy "the sweetness of doing nothing."

~Taylor Nicole~

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