Sunday, April 24, 2011

Butterfly Stage.....

  Well, as you can see from my last post, I am a lot more open, bold, secure, and just flat out outspoken. I don't like to "sugar coat" things. That's why I named this blog Freeing Thoughts because that's exactly what I plan on doing. I never could write in a journal or diary but once I started blogging, it was like an outlet for me.
   Every since I was little, I never really spoke my mind. I came off as timid or shy. As I have gotten older and gone through different things, I just start not caring and saying what was on my mind. Yet, I am still VERY observant and quiet at times. Right now in my life, I'm in a changing process or "Cocoon stage" as my mom calls it. I'm in the "Cocoon stage" meaning I'm in a transformation stage. I'm facing the mirror and working on things that I see in myself that need to change. I may be young but I know when things are not right or ugly within myself. I see change as a sign of growth and maturity. A lot of people are scared of change. Change is something that is necessary for one to move forward. It is NOT easy but it is a necessary process that everyone must eventually face. I try to embrace it. I don't want to change because of others opinions but for ME and also because I know that God will judge me for the way I live my life. And I know he's not going to hold back; meaning he's going to judge me on everything that I do, say, think, and ultimately what's in my heart. I know NO ONE is perfect but if I see something wrong within myself I will try my very best to work on that.
    Forgiveness and my attitude is what I'm working on right now. These two thing are the hardest for me. It's hard for me to forgive someone who has REALLY hurt me. My attitude ties in with forgiveness. If I haven't forgiven you then it's hard for my attitude toward you to be good. It's hard for me to pretend to like someone. If I don't like you, it will DEFINITELY show (unless you're blind). But I think I'm getting better. I hope to reach the "Butterfly stage" soon.

Still transforming. I am a work in progress : )

~Taylor Nicole~

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