Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Problem.....

 So, I discovered I have a problem. Well, not really a problem; more like a character defect. Or maybe it's a fear. You get my point. My problem is that I hate to fail. Or be a failure. I hold myself at such a high standard that when I don't do well on or at something I feel as though I've failed. I've always been the one who does my best and tries to stay on top of things. But everyone has their strong and weak points. Some people say "I wish my son was as disciplined as you." or "I wish I had that mind frame." When I started at a new school last year, it was hard for me to accept being weak in one area of school. What people don't get about my problem is that when I get a bad grade or do bad at something, I beat myself up about it. I get down about it and can sometimes get stressed out about it.  This problem can result into carrying that bad grade or thinking I failed a test on my back for the rest of the day or even week. All this worrying can leave one stressed. Is this what they call an overachiever? If it is I no longer want to be one. I want to be content with doing my best and not thinking I've failed myself and my teachers. Do I have this problem because everyone always says "I know she can do it." or "She's so smart and mature for her age."? All these saying can put a very high expectation on just one person. These are very nice compliments but can make me think I have to live up to them. And if I don't then I'm a failure. Those compliments also made me doubt myself and my academic abilities. I thought "Am I really as smart as they say." or "Can I really handle this." I didn't want to disappoint my proud parents. They were so sure of me but was I? I wanted to be just as confident in myself as they were in me. Do you see how this can become a problem?? I'm still working on excepting my weaknesses and being happy with just doing my best. I'm working on accepting the fact that I can't be great at everything. I need to know that I did my best and that's all I can do. I'm a work in progress. Am I the only one who has this problem???? Or am I just crazy??

~Taylor Nicole~

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tasty Recipes.....Yum!!!

Being that my blog is called Passion Food. I thought I'd give you a tasty recipe to try. One of my favorites recipes that has been passed down from my family is White Chili. I know your use to the traditional chili but I honestly like this one better. When you look at the ingredients you might be a little hesitate to try it. Trust me this mouth watering dish will leave you wanting more.! I hope you enjoy it :)

White Chili : Ingredients

5 chicken breasts chopped and stir-fried in olive or canola oil with 1 bunch of green (chopped) green onions and 1 clove of garlic (chopped)
2 16oz. jars of Palco salsa (mild or spicy)
1 8oz. of monterey jack cheese
1 48oz. jar of northern beans
2 teaspoons of cumin (spice)

This is stove topped cooked in a pot. Feel free to accommodate to your taste. Enjoy.

~Taylor Nicole~

Eat Pray Love

   One of my new favorite movies is Eat Pray Love. It follows Elizabeth Gilbert (Julia Roberts) on her journey to find herself. She learned how to live and enjoy life without any regrets. My favorite part about this movie is the amazing quotes they used. The one that stood out to me the most was " The sweetness of doing nothing." I loved this quote because sometimes doing nothing can be the best time of your day. "The sweetness of doing nothing" can mean enjoying life and taking life as it comes. Sometimes not having a schedule or plans can simply be the sweetness that you need. In this case, Elizabeth had lost the sweet taste of life. She no longer knew who she was. She had no sight of her future. Sometimes people get so caught up in school, jobs, relationships, kids, and other things that they lose sight of the beauty of life. Seeing the news alone can make people forget about the raw beauty life has to offer. But if we don't have a balance between the chagllenges of life and sweetness of life, then you will eventually end up like Elizabeth; blind to everything in front of you. Make the best of your life. Don't take anything for granted. Enjoy "the sweetness of doing nothing."

~Taylor Nicole~

Peer Pressure

 Throughout the years, one thing that never ends is peer pressure. Wherever you go, there will always be someone trying to pressure you into doing something wrong or out of your character. The key pressure in today's society is drugs. Drugs are considered "cool" (for some odd reason). Teenagers often get into drugs by peer pressure or curiosity. Some kids younger then me have tried drugs and are addicted to them. My reason for never trying or taking drugs is, I don't want to get addicted to them. Some people try a drug once and get hooked. Others might take a couple more tries. Don't get me wrong I'm all for using it for health or medical reasons. That's completely different. My issue is when young kids take drugs just to fit in. They don't even know the affects it can have on your body. Think about it. You're doing drugs just to impress people you're probably not going to see after you graduate. Are you still going to think drugs are cool when your wife or husband leaves you because of it? How about when you loose your job because of it? I don't think drugs will be cool then. Drugs are a serious issue and can change your life completely. Next time someone offers you drugs, say you're "Too Cool For Drugs" (lame I know). Drugs don't help your future and can sometimes determine whether you have one. I love my future way more then I would drugs. I'm too smart for drugs.

~Taylor Nicole~

God Bless The Woman Who Has Her Own!!!

  So, in my English class I just finished reading Medea (a Greek play). And in the play she basically gives up EVERYTHING for this guy (who she eventually married). I mean she turned against her own family,killed her brother, and left her country to go to this foreign country. I definitely believe in love and compromise but she took it way to far. My question is why do women give up EVERYTHING just to be with someone??? Most guys never drop everything for a women. I think that you should have your own just as a man does. My plan is to finish school, travel, and have a established career before I get married. Oh please, excuse me if I choose not to be a 50's house wife. I'm not saying that my house won't be clean or I won't cook for my husband. Do you honestly think I'm going to cook and clean all day until he gets home? That would drive me crazy. How much cooking and cleaning can one person do? I refuse to live in my husband's shadow. Should I just forget my goals because I get married? I want to be my own person. Don't get me wrong I will fully support him and he should do the same for me. I want to be an example of a strong successful woman who just happens to be in a relationship. So, "God Bless The Woman Who Has Her Own."

~Taylor Nicole~