Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why Tell Lies???

Everyone has participated in some form of lying. Either it be fake compliments (i.e. "You look cute today"), pretending to enjoy someone's company (i.e. "It was nice seeing you today"), pretending to be something that you're not, or saying you like something just to fit in (i.e. "Yeah, I like Twilight too"). Why not just tell the truth?
Maybe some people think that being truthful will come off as being mean or they're just scared of telling the truth. I think people fail to realize is there's a BIG difference between being honest and being hurtful. If someone ASKS for your opinion, then be honest but yet soft-spoken. Stating the truth can sometime be difficult but it can also be freeing. If you disagree of something then try to find a positive thing about it. Everyone always gets caught up in those "little white lies" (which are NEVER little) but if they're so little, then why do you have to lie about them?? I believe that no lie is small. Sometimes you might not think its a big deal but it can be hurtful to someone else. The things about lies are they might start out "small" but EVENTUALLY they turn into a BIG pile of them. After you tell a lie, you have to keep building and building on that lie. In my opinion, I would much rather have someone who will be honest with me. I have a lot more respect and trust for someone who can be straight honest with me and I value their opinion more too. So, in closing, be honest but also THINK before you speak. Speak truthful soft-spoken words. Just like the old saying says " If you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all".
Honesty is the BEST policy :)

~Taylor Nicole~

Friday, December 17, 2010

Watch What You Watch!

I have noticed that a lot of parents don't really pay attention to what their children watch. TV shows today have a lot of sexual language and content. Many parents just see cartoons and sit their child in front of the TV but what they don't know is that many animated cartoon shows have inappropriate adult language and explicit language. Shows such as Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, Futurama, and Boondocks. All of these shows are animated cartoons that are EXTREMELY unsuitable for children. These shows are not only on the basic channels (ABC, Fox, CW, NBC) but on (what are suppose to be) children networks such as Cartoon Network. All those shows I listed are played on a segment on Cartoon Network called Adult Swim. Adult Swim comes on at 10 pm everyday on Cartoon Network. There are even more shows then what I listed on this program. Not all kids go to bed at 10 pm and what are they watching if they are up? "Cartoons." I truly believe that if you're going to play those shows then create your on channel for that but putting it on a "child biased" channel. Really? (not cool AT ALL)
Because I'm a teenager, I don't believe that its THAT inappropriate for us. Teenagers hear A LOT of explicit language on a DAILY basis (school, peers, family, etc) so these shows don't really affect us as much. But children (12 and lower) should not be watching these shows. They shouldn't even know what their explicit jokes they say in the show mean at that age. When you are young, you might hear things that you don't understand and it can make you become curious. That curiosity can lead to finding out what those "little" jokes mean. Children not only hear this vulgar language but are also getting a visual of certain things they shouldn't see. Then parents wonder where their child is getting this language or attitude from. Hmmmm maybe it's what their watching or what is being said around them. Children at a young age are like sponges. Whatever they see, hear and are exposed to they will start to apply. So, be careful what YOU, your children, cousins, and whoever else you know are exposed to. Because if you don't, that will EVENTUALLY be the outcome of  them.

This post is for everyone!!!!!!
~Taylor Nicole~

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Self Image

Why do girls let the world determine their self-image?? Girls have always looked at models, celebrities, and all women in the spotlight as an example of what women should look or act like. Women look at magazines, music videos, and gossip sites and believe that this is what they should look and be like. Is this why a majority of women buy expensive designer clothes, wear make-up, get plastic surgery, or marry rich? Is it to feel good about themselves or to compete with the next person? Or maybe impress their friends, coworkers, peers, or people in general? I believe that the root to these issues are low self-esteem and self-image.
If all women loved themselves regardless of what others thought, I believe there would be unity and love between women. There has always been that girl that just gives those " I think I'm better than you" looks. Why as girls/women can't we compliment each other or say something nice? Why does it always have to be hate? Why can't we uplift each other instead of breaking each other down?
Guys are totally different. Guys can compliment each other and become friends like it's nothing. Women shouldn't be intimidated by other women and by what they wear, drive,  financial income or social status.
How about if you see another woman on her "game", just say "girl you look good" or "you look cute today".  Some women get hated on because other women see them looking nice and they judge them before speaking to them. This "self-image problem" has been going on since before I was born and has gotten worse over the years. Where did this "character defect" come from? Why does it exist in most women today? Is is because we where raised this way? Personally, I have experienced this " character defect". I'm sure every girl/woman has taken part in this issue whether it be in a big or small way. In the future, I hope to have two girls and I pray that they DON'T EVER have this "character defect."  To ALL women/girls no matter your social status, financial income, ethnicity, culture, religion,fashion chooses, and ages please uplift one another and don't let anyone determine how YOU feel about yourself. YOU determine YOUR destiny. Live for YOU. Be FEARLESS. Be YOU.

PS. I know I wrote a previous post about self-esteem but this topic is a HUGE issue in today's society.....especially with women....so I WILL continue to stress this topic. :)


~Taylor Nicole~

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Movie Review.....Julie and Julia

Julie and Julia is a phenomenal movie because it gives a sense of inspiration and freshness. This movie is definitely for those into Culinary Arts. Even though, those who are not will enjoy this witty movie. Julie and Julia shows the journey of Julia while learning different recipes and exploring the many European countries. Julie, on the other hand, thinks she is just reading and cooking from Julia Child's book but really, like Julia, going on a journey herself. Although, a warning must be given; viewer's MUST eat before watching this movie. The mouth-watering dishes that are being made make viewers want to crawl through the television screen. Julie and Julia motivate and inspire people to try new things and also get in the kitchen. Even though Julie went through emotional roller-coasters, she let those emotions out by cooking. Julia, a cooking legend, was a very happy and passionate woman. Viewers will enjoy this movie because of the love and passion that both ladies have conveyed in the movie. Julie and Julia get two thumbs up and 5 stars. The movie was thoroughly flawless!

~Taylor Nicole~

Friday, December 3, 2010

To Tell and What Not to Tell...That is the Question

     On Yahoo!, there was an article about what teenagers tell and don't tell their parents. Being a teenager, I can definitely relate to this article. Somethings I don't tell my parents because I already know what their answer will be.  Parents sometimes forget how they felt when they were teenagers. Us teenagers are sometimes more reluctant to share our personal issues or "high school" issues with our parents because they tend to blow them off like just because we're younger our issues aren't important. Or, sometimes we won't tell our parents things because they will nag and give us a loooong lecture. For example, my parents never really know when me or my brother are in a relationship because we know we're going to get the "3rd degree" about them. We might date someone for a year and then EVENTUALLY tell them. I'm personally more of a private person.
     I don't really tell my parents issues unless they're serious. Sometimes as parents it's just good to just listen and wait for us (teenagers) to ask you for feedback. However, I don't advise teenagers to "mask" their issues or problems (which we tend to do). Sometimes it is good to vent to our parents (I mean they were where we are now). Teenagers think that parents just don't understand (sometimes they REALLY don't) but there are times where they do and can actually help.  Parents fail to realize that teenagers are under A LOT of stress sometimes. If you think about it, we have to balance school, jobs, hormones, maybe chores, relationships, and just being a teenager. And some teenagers have A LOT more responsibilities than that. A  LOT goes on in teenager's heads; we're trying to figure things out (let alone or selves out) all WHILE balancing out the other things. Parents, we (teenagers)  know that ,as we get older, more things will be added on to that list but for now we just want to focus on high-school. When parents talk to us, they talk about the "real world" (we don't want to hear that). We want you to put yourself to where we are NOW!  Parents can sometimes overwhelm us by the "yeah, you see this water bill" and "oh, look at this electric bill". Parents need to act more like a teenager sometimes (yeah I said it). So, to parents listen before you speak and think more like a teenager with us (put yourself in our wold). And...to my fellow teenagers do what you have to do and FOCUS on what you NEED TO DO to complete your goals (even if that means NO boyfriend/girlfriends).
To everyone DO BETTER at whatever it is that you are suppose to be doing. Set a good example for others.

~Taylor Nicole~

P.S. I wasn't aware I sounded like Dr. Phil while typing this. Lol