Monday, February 21, 2011

Love : )

 So, Saturday (Feb. 19) was my parents anniversary. Oh no let me say again. My parents 21st anniversary. Yes, they've been married for 21 years. Wow, that still amazes me. My parents are the reason why I will NEVER give up on love. They are my example of what real love should be like and how a couple should carry themselves. My parents have NEVER "sugar-coated" when it comes to marriage. They have told me that marriage is hard and is not always "a walk in the park." But seeing them together always makes me want that for myself one day. They've have been through sooooo much together and yet they're still in love. They have been through 2 kids, death of love ones, dealing with the death of love ones, and dealing with their MANY haters and other things. My parents were told by many people that they were wrong for each other,  they won't last and many other negative comments. Yet, they stuck by each other. I'm not saying that their relationship is perfect, no relationship is. If you ask them what the key to their relationship is, they will say God. When you and your spouse or partner have God in your life and relationship, nothing and no one can break that relationship. Another key that I've noticed to a great relationship is communication. If you can't talk to your partner, then really there is no relationship. I want to be able to tell him any and everything without being judged. I've also found that trust is another big key. If I can't trust you or constantly worrying about what you're doing, who you're with, if you're REALLY where you say you are, or worrying about our personal conversations being told to someone else, then we're not meant to be together. God, Trust, and Communication are keys that my parents have. If it worked for them, then it can work for me : )

Remember action speaks louder than words....if you REALLY care about someone show them....practice what you preach. Love is a beautiful thing.....when its REAL <3

~Taylor Nicole~

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Problem Part II.......Random Rave.....Procrastination is a KILLER!!!

   So in previous post I spoke of this "problem" I have. Since then, I have been working on it and I am actually getting better. My semester 1 grades are A,A,B,B,B,B. I did great. Although, I plan on doing better this semester. School is something everyone has to experience. Some people have good experiences and others might have bad. But I've learned that its all about how you look at it. Last semester, I think I was SUPER stressed out because I took school TOO serious. Now don't get me wrong, school is EXTREMELY important but sometimes it's not worth stressing over. When I think about school, I think of it as something I have to go through in order to make my goals and dreams happen. That's why I try my hardest in school. I have soooo many goals and I'm focused on completing them. Which means that school is over all other NON important things. I want to do something with my life. I want to help people. I want to be financially comfortable. I don't want to worry about anything. I want to be independent. But I also want to be a wife, mother, friend, business women, chef, and what ever else I put my mind to. So, my advice to those who are BS'in their way through high-school. You're an idiot. Do better. Want more. Do more. BS'in will get you no where. While everyone else is doing something with their lives, you won't be. While others are going places, you'll still be right where you are. Are you honestly ok with that?? Because I want more. I REFUSE to stay in the same place, do the same things, and see the same thing everyday.
  Ok, sorry for the outburst, I needed to get that off my chest : ).  Now, moving on, I discovered a another problem that EVERYONE has. Procrastination. Procrastination is something I NEVER had until last year. It is the worst disease to EVER hit mankind. Procrastination can literally make your life, especially your academic life, a living hell. I am currently trying to beat this disease as I type. BEWARE of this disease!!!! STAY FAR AWAY from it!!. 

~Taylor Nicole~